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 研究成果 Bibliographies of Murakami Cohort Study

Nishikura T, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Saito T, Takahashi A, Takachi R, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Tsugane S, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are not associated with a high risk of recurrent falls in community-dwelling Japanese adults: the Murakami cohort study. Arch Osteoporos. 2024;19(1):25.[概要版

Bulycheva I, Watanabe Y, Kitamura K, Kabasawa K, Saito T, Takahashi A, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Self-reported sleep duration and bedtime are associated with dementia risk in community-dwelling people aged 40–74 years: the Murakami cohort study. J Alzheimers Dis. in press.

Body mass index, height, and osteoporotic fracture risk in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40-74 years. Nishikura T, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. J Bone Miner Metab. 2024;42(1):47-59.[概要版

Nagashima Y, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Chronic pain in the lower extremities and low back is associated with recurrent falls in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40-74 years. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2024;105(3):498-505.[概要版

Kawakami S, Yamato R, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Alcohol consumption, smoking, and risk of dementia in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40–74 years: the Murakami cohort study. Maturitas. 2023;176:107788.[概要版

Zakharova A, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Sex differences in the association between body mass index and dementia risk in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40–74 years. J Alzheimers Dis. 2023;94(3):949-959.[概要版

Hinata A, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Saito T, Takahashi A, Takachi R, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Iki M, Tsugane S, Sasaki A, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms in community-dwelling Japanese people aged between 40 and 74 years: the Murakami cohort study. J Affect Disord. 2023;325:48-54.[概要版

Kamimura S, Iida T, Watanabe Y, Kitamura K, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Physical activity and recurrent fall risk in community-dwelling Japanese people aged 40-74 years: the Murakami cohort study. Eur Rev Aging Phys Act. 2022;19(1):20.[概要版

Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Takachi R, Oshiki R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Leisure-time and non-leisure-time physical activities are dose-dependently associated with a reduced risk of dementia in community-dwelling people aged 40-74 years: the Murakami cohort study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022;23(7):1197-1204. [概要版

Hinata A, Kabasawa K, Watanabe Y, Kitamura K, Ito Y, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Tanaka J, Sasaki A, Narita I, Nakamura K. Education, household income, and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older Japanese adults. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1):2120. [概要版

Matsushita N, Nakanishi Y, Watanabe Y, Kitamura K, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Takachi R, Oshiki R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Association of coffee, green tea, and caffeine with the risk of dementia in older Japanese people. J Am Geriatr Soc 2021;69(12):3529-3544. [概要版

Nakamura K, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Hinata A, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K. Body mass index and risk of recurrent falls in community-dwelling Japanese aged 40-74 years: the Murakami cohort study. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2021;21(6):498-505.[概要版

中村和利, 北村香織, プラトノバ・クセニア, 渡邊裕美. 中高年者の5年間の生活習慣の変化:村上コホート研究. 新潟医学会雑誌2021;135(10-12):213-219.

Platonova K, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Takachi R, Saito T, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Solovev A, Iki M, Tsugane S, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Dietary calcium and vitamin K are associated with osteoporotic fracture risk in middle-aged and elderly Japanese women, but not men: the Murakami Cohort Study. Br J Nutr 2021;125(3):319-328.[概要版

Nakamura K, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Saito T, Takahashi A, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Kabasawa K, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Watanabe K. Predictors of decline in vitamin D status in middle-aged and elderly individuals: A 5-year follow-up study. Br J Nutr 2020;124(7):729-735.[概要版

麻沼優紀, 荒井尚哉. コーヒー・緑茶摂取と死亡のリスク:村上コホート研究. 新潟医学会雑誌 2019;133(9-10):339-347.

Solovev A, Watanabe Y, Kitamura K, Takahashi A, Kobayashi R, Saito T, Takachi R, Kabasawa K, Oshiki R, Platonova K, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Watanabe K, Nakamura K. Total physical activity and risk of chronic low back and knee pain in middle-aged and elderly Japanese people: the Murakami cohort study. Eur J Pain 2020;24:863-872.[概要版

Takiguchi R, Komatsu R, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Takahashi A, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Saito T, Kabasawa K, Takachi R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Nakamura K. Modifiable factors associated with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: the Murakami Cohort Study. Maturitas 2019;128:53-59.[概要版

Takahashi A, Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Kobayashi R, Saito T, Takachi R, Kabasawa K, Oshiki R, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O, Nakamura K. Epidemiological profiles of chronic low back and knee pain in middle-aged and elderly Japanese from the Murakami cohort. J Pain Res 2018;11:3161-3169.[概要版

中村和利, 北村香織, 渡邊裕美. 村上コホート研究(新潟大学のコホート研究・臨床疫学研究の進捗状況と今後の展望). 新潟医学会雑誌2017;132(4):127-130.

Nakamura K, Takachi R, Kitamura K, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Watanabe Y, Kabasawa K, Takahashi A, Tsugane S, Iki M, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O. The Murakami Cohort Study of vitamin D for the prevention of musculoskeletal and other age-related diseases: a study protocol. Environ Health Prev Med. 2018;23(1):28.

Kitamura K, Watanabe Y, Nakamura K, Takahashi A, Takachi R, Oshiki R, Kobayashi R, Saito T, Tsugane S, Sasaki A. Weight loss from 20 years of age is associated with cognitive impairment in middle-aged and elderly individuals. PLOS One. 2017;12(10):e0185960.[概要版

Nakamura K, Kitamura K, Takachi R, Saito T, Kobayashi R, Oshiki R, Watanabe Y, Tsugane S, Sasaki A, Yamazaki O. Impact of demographic, environmental, and lifestyle factors on vitamin D sufficiency in 9,084 Japanese adults. Bone 2015;74:10-7.[概要版

中村和利, 髙地リベカ, 北村香織, 斎藤トシ子, 小林量作, 押木利英子, 佐々木綾子, 山崎理. 村上コホート研究について. 新潟県医師会報 2011;740号:2-5.

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