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Study at Niigata University 留学を希望する方へ

Niigata University (NU) Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences conducts education and research with the aim of training researchers in advanced life sciences, doctors and dentists who can provide advanced medical care, and highly specialized medical personnel. In this context, we actively accept international students, respecting diversity and broadening their perspectives in education and research. After graduation, international students return to their home countries to contribute as doctors and researchers. Some become faculty members and researchers at NU and other institutions, including those located abroad.

At the moment forty-seven international students are enrolled in master's and doctoral programs (including seven research students as of April 2023).

NU does its best to create an environment where international students can concentrate on their research activities. In addition to a specially organized team at the Medical Education Center that supports students' arrival and stay in Japan, there is also a tutor system in which Niigata University students support the daily life and research of international students from a student's perspective. In addition to tuition waiver programs, Japanese government and university scholarships are also available to support students in terms of expenses.


現在、修士課程・博士課程合わせて47名の留学生(正規生)が在籍しています。(2023.04現在 、研究生7名含む)


Japanese Government(MEXT) Scholarship Students(日本政府(国費)奨学金)

Special Priority Placement Program for Southwest Asia and Southeast Asia(ASEAN)

NU Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences was selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology to implement the "Special Program for Priority Placement of Government-Sponsored International Students." Students enroll in Niigata University as regular PhD students (doctoral program).

Click here for details



Niigata University Recommendation(大学推薦)
This program is for NU to recommend international students to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. NU is recruiting research students. The Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences holds entrance interviews in January every year.
Please first contact us from the university homepage.
Click here for details.

本プログラムは、新潟大学より文部科学省に留学生を推薦するものです。Research students「研究留学生」を募集しています。医歯学総合研究科では毎年1月に入試面接しています。まずは大学HPよりお問い合わせください。

Japanese embassies (or consulates general in some countries) overseas recruit scholarship students. Recruitment of international students coming to Japan in April of the following year will be held from April to May. The first round of selection (document screening, written exam, and interview) will be conducted from June to July, depending on the country. By the end of August, each embassy or consulate will make a recommendation to Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The application procedures and deadlines for embassy recommendation differ from country to country, so please contact the Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country for more information.

NU Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences is actively recruiting students recommended by embassies.



Privately-Financed Students(私費留学生)

NU Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences actively accepts privately financed international students. At NU, students usually spend six months to one year as research students conducting research under the guidance of a faculty member before enrolling as graduate students. (However, if the supervisor approves, you can take the graduate school entrance exam without becoming a research student.)


How to apply(留学希望者向けフロー

■ NU Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences 大学院医歯学総合研究科
Special entrance examination for international students (外国人留学生特別選抜)

Master’s Program修士課程
Doctoral Program博士課程

Fees / Scholarships(授業料・奨学金)

Niigata University offers tuition waiver programs and its own scholarships.
