論文|Publications 2018

2018 英文International  Journal

Akinobu Hibino, Elie Massaad, Hiroki Kondo, Reiko Saito, Takashi Odagiri, Nobuhiro Takemae, Ryota Tsunekuni, Takehiko Saito, Yadanar Kyaw, Nay Lin, Yi Yi Myint, Htay Htay Tin, Nguyen Le Khanh Hang, Le Quynh Mai, Ren Yagami, Yugo Shobugawa, Tommy Lam, Hassan Zaraket, Japanese Influenza Collaborative Study Group
Neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility and evolutionary analysis of human influenza B isolates from three Asian countries during 2012–2015
MEEGID 3482 .2018 April 16.doi:10.1016

Akinobu Hibino, Reiko Saito1, Kiyosu Taniguchi, Hassan Zaraket,Yugo Shobugawa, Tamano Matsui, Hiroshi Suzuki, for the Japanese HRSV Collaborative Study Group
Molecular epidemiology of human respiratory syncytial virus among children in Japan during three seasons and hospitalization risk of genotype ON1
PLoS One. 2018 Jan 29;13(1):e0192085. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192085. eCollection 2018.

Shobugawa Y, Fujiwara T, Tashiro A, Saito R, Kondo K.
Social participation and risk of influenza infection in older adults: a cross-sectional study.
BMJ Open. 2018 Jan 24;8(1):e016876. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016876.

Imai N, Endo N, Shobugawa Y, Ibuchi S, Suzuki H, Miyasaka D, Sakuma M.
A decrease in the number and incidence of osteoporotic hip fractures among elderly individuals in Niigata, Japan, from 2010 to 2015.
Journal of bone and mineral metabolism: September 2018

Akinobu Hibino, Elie Massaad, Hiroki Kondo, Reiko Saito, Takashi Odagiri, Nobuhiro Takemae, Ryota Tsunekuni, Takehiko Saito, Yadanar Kyaw, Nay Lin, Yi Yi Myint, Htay Htay Tin, Nguyen Le Khanh Hang, Le Quynh Mai, Ren Yagami, Yugo Shobugawa, Tommy Lam, Hassan Zaraket, Japanese Influenza Collaborative Study Group
Neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility and evolutionary analysis of human influenza B isolates from three Asian countries during 2012–2015
MEEGID 3482 .2018 April 16.doi:10.1016 •Akinobu Hibino, Reiko Saito1, Kiyosu Taniguchi, Hassan Zaraket,Yugo Shobugawa, Tamano Matsui, Hiroshi Suzuki, for the Japanese HRSV Collaborative Study Group
Molecular epidemiology of human respiratory syncytial virus among children in Japan during three seasons and hospitalization risk of genotype ON1
PLoS One. 2018 Jan 29;13(1):e0192085. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192085. eCollection 2018.

Shobugawa Y, Fujiwara T, Tashiro A, Saito R, Kondo K.
Social participation and risk of influenza infection in older adults: a cross-sectional study.
BMJ Open. 2018 Jan 24;8(1):e016876. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016876.

Imai N, Endo N, Shobugawa Y, Ibuchi S, Suzuki H, Miyasaka D, Sakuma M.
A decrease in the number and incidence of osteoporotic hip fractures among elderly individuals in Niigata, Japan, from 2010 to 2015.
Journal of bone and mineral metabolism: September 2018

2018 和文Domestic Journal

新潟県医師会報 2018 (825)p.15-19

今井 教雄, 遠藤 直人, 菖蒲川 由郷, 井渕 慎弥, 鈴木 勇人, 宮坂 大, 佐久間 真由美
新潟県における大腿骨近位部骨折発生状況の推移 2015年新潟県高齢者骨折調査より
日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 2018 (4)p.184-185

【あらためて見直すRSウイルス感染症】RSウイルス感染症 夏の流行が起きる気象条件
小児科 2018 (59)p.363-368