濱 菜摘 先生の論文「Development and validation of a novel score to predict mortality in Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: CRISTEN」がThe Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practiceにアクセプトされました。
Hama N, Sunaga Y, Ochiai H, Kokaze A, Watanabe H, Kurosawa M, Azukizawa H, Asada H, Watanabe Y, Yamaguchi Y, Aihara M, Mizukawa Y, Ohyama M, Hashizume H, Nakajima S, Nomura T, Kabashima K, Tohyama M, Hasegawa A, Takahashi H, Mieno H, Ueta M, Sotozono C, Niihara H, Morita E, Brüggen MC, Feingold IM, Jeschke MG, Dodiuk-Gad RP, Oppel EM, French LE, Chen WT, Chung WH, Chu CY, Kang HR, Ingen-Housz-Oro S, Nakamura K, Sueki H, Abe R
Development and validation of a novel score to predict mortality in Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: CRISTEN
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, Oct;11(10):3161-3168.e2. 2023