
【業績】日比野院生のRSウイルスに関する論文がPLOS ONEへ掲載されました!

Akinobu Hibino, Reiko Saito1, Kiyosu Taniguchi, Hassan Zaraket,Yugo Shobugawa, Tamano Matsui, Hiroshi Suzuki, for the Japanese HRSV Collaborative Study Group
Molecular epidemiology of human respiratory syncytial virus among children in Japan during three seasons and hospitalization risk of genotype ON1
PLoS One. 2018 Jan 29;13(1):e0192085. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192085. eCollection 2018.


2018_Molecular epidemiology of RSV_Hibino



2018-02-14 | Posted in What’s New, ブログ|BlogComments Closed