Expression and Mutation Patterns of PBRM1, BAP1 and SETD2 Mirror Specific Evolutionary Subtypes in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Svenia Bihr, Riuko Ohashi, Ariane L. Moore, Jan H Rüschoff,Christian Beisel, Thomas Hermanns. Axel Mischo, Claudia Corrò, Jörg Beyer, Niko Beerenwinkel, Holger Moch and Peter Schraml
Neoplasia Feb. 21(2); 247-256
Round Table Discussion | 大腸T1(SM)癌に対する内視鏡診療の現状と将来展望
大腸がんperspective 2019 Vol.4 No.2; 10-17
A Rare Duodenal Carcinosarcoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Arao Y, Kamimura K, Ikemi M, Takaki M, Takahashi S, Seino S, Abe H, Kohisa J, Kato T, Ajioka Y, Terai S.
Internal Medicine 58(9); 1273-1278
doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.2094-18
味岡 洋一
INTESTINE 23(3); 201-206
味岡 洋一, 谷 優佑
胃と腸 54(5); 714-715
味岡 洋一, 高村 佳緒里
胃と腸 54(5); 716-717
Allele Loss and Reduced Expression of CYCLOPS Genes is a Characteristic Feature of Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma.
Ohashi R, Schraml P, Batavia A, Angori S, Simmler P, Rupp N, Ajioka Y, Oliva E, Moch H.
Transl Oncol. 2019 Sep 12(9): 1131-1137
doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.2094-18
Expression Profiling of Receptor-Activator of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B Ligand in Soft Tissue Tumors.
Yamagishi T, Kawashima H, Ogose A, Ariizumi T, Oike N, Sasaki T, Hatano H, Ohashi R, Umezu H, Ajioka Y, Endo N
Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 2019, 248(2): 87-97
Retrospective analysis of antitumor effects and biomarkers for nivolumab in NSCLC patients with EGFR mutations.
Sato M, Watanabe S, Tanaka H, Nozaki K, Arita M, Takahashi M, Shoji S, Ichikawa K, Kondo R, Aoki N, Hayashi M, Ohshima Y, Koya T, Ohashi R, Ajioka Y, Kikuchi T.
PLoS One. 2019 Apr 12;14(4):e0215292.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215292
Fatal visceral disseminated varicella zoster infection during initial remission induction therapy in a patient with lupus nephritis and rheumatoid arthritis-possible association with mycophenolate mofetil and high-dose glucocorticoid therapy: a case report.
Habuka M, Wada Y, Kurosawa Y, Yamamoto S, Tani Y, Ohashi R, Ajioka Y, Nakano M, Narita I.
BMC Res Notes. 2018 Mar 5;11(1):165.
doi: 10.1186/s13104-018-3271-3.
Pg type 隆起型大腸T1癌のSM浸潤距離測定の実際
味岡 洋一, 杉野 英明, 近藤 修平, 田口 貴博, 岩田 真弥
胃と腸 54(6); 933-937
座談会 十二指腸腺腫・癌の病理診断基準を検討する
胃と腸 54(8); 1141-1168
田中 信治, 樫田 博史, 斎藤 豊, 矢作 直久, 山野 泰穂, 斎藤 彰一, 久部 高司, 八尾 隆史, 渡邊 昌彦, 吉田 雅博, 斉藤 裕輔, 鶴田 修, 五十嵐 正広, 豊永 高史, 味岡 洋一, 杉原 建一, 楠 正人, 小池 和彦, 藤本 一眞, 田尻 久雄
Gastroenterological Endoscopy 61(6); 1321-1344
Classic Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma Incur a Larger Number of Chromosomal Losses than Seen in the Eosinophilic Subtype
Riuko Ohashi, Peter Schraml, Silvia Angori, Aashil A. Batavia, Niels J. Rupp, Chisato Ohe, Yoshiro Otsuki, Takashi Kawasaki, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Tatsuhiko Miyazaki, Hiroyuki Shibuya, Hiroyuki Usuda, Hajime Umezu, Fumiyoshi Fujishima, Bungo Furusato, Mitsumasa Osakabe, Tamotsu Sugai, Naoto Kuroda, Toyonori Tsuzuki, Yoji Nagashima, Yoichi Ajioka and Holger Moch
Cancers 2019, 11(10), 1492
座談会 大腸腫瘍の病理診断基準の確立に向けて
[司会]鶴田修, 山野泰穂, 菅井有, 八尾隆史/味岡洋一, 新井冨生, 江頭由太郎, 海崎泰治, 九嶋亮治, 二村聡, 永塚真
胃と腸 54(11); 1527-1560
Multi-institutional re-evaluation of prognostic factors in chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: proposal of a novel two-tiered grading scheme.
Ohashi R, Martignoni G, Hartmann A, Caliò A, Segala D, Stöhr C, Wach S, Erlmeier F, Weichert W, Autenrieth M, Schraml P, Rupp NJ, Ohe C, Otsuki Y, Kawasaki T, Kobayashi H, Kobayashi K, Miyazaki T, Shibuya H, Usuda H, Umezu H, Fujishima F, Furusato B, Osakabe M, Sugai T, Kuroda N, Tsuzuki T, Nagashima Y, Ajioka Y, Moch H.
Virchows Arch Nov 23. [Epub ahead of print]
An Autopsy Case of Pulmonary Capillary Hemangiomatosis with an Electron Microscopy Study.
Kobayashi H, Otsuki Y, Yamaguchi M, Ko K, Mizuno S, Ujita M, Ohashi R, Sato T, Sato H, Suzuki T
Am J Case Rep. Oct 22;20:1551-1557
Detection of Hepatitis Virus B And C in Archival Autopsy Specimens of Liver Cirrhosis.
Tsutsumi Y, Shiogama K, Teramoto H, Aishima S, Oda Y, Ohashi R, Ajioka Y and Naito M
Biomed J Sci & Tech Res Volume 22- Issue 3: 16699-16704
Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy of hepatocellular carcinoma: A case report and review of literature.
Morita S, Kamimura K, Abe H, Watanabe-Mori Y, Oda C, Kobayashi T, Arao Y, Tani Y, Ohashi R, Ajioka Y, Terai S.
World J Gastroenterol 25(48):6949-6958
高村佳緒里, 味岡洋一
IBDクリニカルカンファレンス 1(4); 26(150)-27(151)